Natural Urges is a Maine-based company.  We love the outdoors and spend as much time as possible enjoying the beauty of our small town and its surrounding natural offerings.  We encourage our staff to take walks during the day to clear their brains in the beautiful city of Bath where we are so fortunate to have ocean cliff walks and breathtaking water views at every turn.

Natural Urges is From Maine

Synergy with nature is at the core of Natural Urges mission and values.  Sustainable lifestyles, synchronicity with nature, appreciation for family and eco-respect.  That’s what we stand for.

Our goal is to offer eco-friendly daily use products that meet our values. We help people make small changes in their daily routines that will collectively result in big environmental impacts.



Our Name!   We know “Natural Urges” is a bit cheeky.  “We urge you to live naturally!” We enjoy making you think and wondering how it applies to natural soaps, sustainable packaging and healthy living.  We took the classic meaning for  “things related to our body-health” and applied it as a catchy & memorable hook.  We took a risk.

We are asking you to do the same… try something different while you help improve your life and the lives of others.  Natural Urges is here to provide you with the solutions that improve our lives…naturally!

Natural Urges is focused on developing and selling daily-use eco-friendly consumer products to replace those ubiquitous single use plastic items that are everywhere in our lives. We have purposely identified household items that we all use with high frequency each day and we hope to have you join us in changing your daily routines, just slightly. Making simple changes is easy and we know how to do it naturally.

Natural Urges is a small business.  We work diligently to bring awareness to our eco-positive products. We will keep our message of awareness light, maybe even funny at times, but focus on the recurring message that even one person and one family can make a big difference with simple changes to their everyday routines.


Brian Bickford CEO

“Natural Urges was born out of the necessity to MAKE A DIFFERENCE.”

I was determined to start a company in Maine that would make a difference. I wanted to focus on the things I most care about, like the outdoors, environmental conservation, promoting a healthy lifestyle and taking care of my friends & family.  I had my “aha moment” when a dear friend introduced me to her supply closet of eco-friendly household items.  She believes in the power of individuals to effect positive change and she is committed to having her family make an environmental impact from home. She only buys environmentally safe household products.

Her commitment was my wake up call!  There is a global crisis around single use plastics, and the availability of alternative, biodegradable products and packaging without plastics. It is astonishing when you look in your own kitchen or bathroom.  Count all the plastic items, from toothbrushes, floss & containers, jugs of laundry detergents, mouthwash, toilet paper wraps, and everything in your house that comes wrapped or housed in plastic containers. You will find a lot.  These are the items that show up on beaches, trails, streets and realistically… everywhere!

I discovered that every piece of plastic ever made is still around today. Every plastic bottle, every toothbrush, every floss dispenser, every liquid soap container, dryer sheets… is still here on our planet and it will not decompose for another 200 or more years.  We need to make a difference now.  Natural Urges in one of those paths.

Natural Urges is more than a business; we are part of a movement. We want to give consumers a choice!. Together, we can reduce plastics consumption, enjoy wonderful and effective cleaning and personal care products made from natural ingredients, and dramatically reduce our collective carbon footprint by reducing the water weight within our supply chain with lighter products that offer the same advantages.

We thank you for being part of this journey. 


Brian Bickford, CEO
