BRUSHING TIME is Family Time!

Natural Urges Toothbrushes
Families who brush teeth together build lasting memories.

Brushing their teeth is not something that comes naturally to children. Young kids (and even teens and young adults) usually do not understand why it is important. They don’t make the connection between the foods they eat and the negative consequences of getting cavities in the future. As a parent, you need to instill the tooth brushing habit in your children at a young age so they will understand that it is important and want to do it.

One way to teach your children that brushing their teeth is important is to do it as a family. When you make brushing teeth as part of your daily routine and it is something that everybody does together, your kids will recognize its importance, even if they don’t understand why.

Kids Look up to Their Parents and Older Siblings

Young children emulate their parents and want to do the things they do. If your children see you brushing your teeth and you talk about how it makes your mouth feel clean and gives you a bright smile, your children will want to brush their teeth to be like you.

Kids also look up to their older siblings. If you have more than one child, having them brush their teeth together can motivate them both to do a good job. The older child will want to set a good example, and the younger child will want to do a good job to impress his or her older sibling.

You Can Help Your Children with Brushing

Another important reason why you should brush your teeth as a family is so you can observe how your children are doing and help if necessary. Young kids lack the coordination to do an effective job of brushing their teeth, but that doesn’t mean they should not be allowed to try. You can watch your children’s tooth brushing and offer tips. If you have a child who is very young, you can allow him or her to brush without assistance and then do a more thorough job yourself.

How to Make Brushing Fun for Your Kids

Take your children to the store with you so they can pick out their own toothbrushes and toothpastes. Kids are more likely to want to brush their teeth if they have a toothbrush with a cartoon character’s face and a toothpaste with a flavor they like. You can play a song while you brush to make it fun and to make sure everyone brushes for the recommended two minutes.